I was surprised that MWSI Customer Helpdesk (Maynilad) sent me an email of "NOTICE OF WATER SUPPLY INTERRUPTION". What made me wonder is that.. our area is not included with the water interruption at all. LOL.
I don't know why, maybe my email is on their database that usually rant on their site if our water got interrupted so they just sent emails of notifications on their notorious "irate" clients. ^_^
But I only sent them three emails complaining that our baranggay did not told us before hand that there would be water cut-off on our area (hence, we don't have any waters on our barrels! I really really hate it when we don't have any waters since that would mean.. have to conserve water and we can't take a bath!) and that they should update their website! they should have post some notice of interruptions on what area would they have some water interruption and on what date, time is the cut-off and of course what time should they expect water supply resumed on their area. And I am super nice about that. I don't blame the CSR of the interruption (there's this irate client that did not like the way the representative answered her questions and was asking for that rep to be fired)..my email is usually asking them what time would we be expecting running waters to be resumed..and I always add on my email that they should put a live chat on their website so that their clients would have an answer on their queries with speedy results (my emails was answered after 2days! -- yup! their service should have some serious make over and yes, I hate it but what can I (we) do? just have to bare with it)
so, it was so weird that I had a missive from them wherein my village is not included. But, anyways, Thank You Maynilad! :)
Peepz, here's the rest of the letter I got. Maybe your area is included :)
To our Valued Customer,
As part of Maynilad’s continuous effort to improve its services in the West Zone Concession Area please be advised on the following improvement schedule/s:
Activity : Decommissioning of the existing 900mm SP
Location : along South Luzon, Expressway, Parañaque City
Duration : 9:00pm August 1, 2011 (Monday) to 9:00am August 2, 2011 (Tuesday) - 12 hours
The following areas in Magallanes Village, Paseo De Magallanes in Makati City and West Service Road (from Villamor PS to Marcelo Green Village), Brgy. Merville, Brgy. Moonwalk, Brgy. 185 (from Maricaban and Villamor Area), Brgy. 201 (Kalayaan), Edison Avenue, Brgy. Sun Valley, Sta. Ana Drive, Brgy. Don Bosco, San Martin De Porres, portion of Brgy. Marcelo (MGV), Brgy San Antonio (SAV – 1,3,5,8,9,10,11), Greenheights, Camella Homes (Greenheights), Craus Subdivision, Savio Homes, Remanville, Malacañang Village, Japan, Jamaica, Annex 37 in Parañaque City will temporarily experience NO WATER until the activity is completed.
As a precautionary measure, we strongly suggest to that you close the gate valve before your water meter within the duration of the interruption. This is to prevent dirty water from entering into your pipes which may affect the quality of water we provide. While waiting for normal water supply, we encourage you to store enough water within the duration of this interruption.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. Please be assured that the new MAYNILAD is continuously finding ways to serve you better.
For clarification and other inquiries, you may call the Maynilad Hotline 1626.
Thank you.
Office Hours: 8am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays
*K-dRaMa aDdicT *Loves to read manga *LoVeS to EaT oUt *a BoOk WoRm *FrUgaL *nAiVe *LiKeS to tRaVeL *aDvEnTuRoUs to tRy nEw foOdS *FaMilY oRiEntEd *a bIt cOnsErvAtIvE *cOmpUlsIvE oBsEsSiVe--sometimes *LoveS FrEeBies *fRiEnDlY *sImpLe MinDed
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
HP hangover
After watching the Finale of HP series...I still can't get over it. Did you shed (a) tear/s while watching the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part2? It's really over :(
Anyway, what really fascinate me with the whole series was..with the idea of doing magic. :) I was a fan of Bewitched and growing up reading fairy tales would plant some sort of an idea that.."what ifs we could do that and that sort of things.
here are the things of what ifs that made the series more interesting for me :
1. Being magical - we tend to have some sort of a biased descriptions of witches and wizard that they don't look handsome or pretty to look at.
It was known long ago that witches have some warts on their faces and have a hunching back.
With HP, there's no such things [and in Bewitched, Samantha is gorgeous! :) ] Hermione is so beautiful! :) (she's my fave character in the series!)
So, have you ever wonder of being a witch? :) It would be just simply splendid of being one and turn people you don't like in to toads! :)
2. Flying - I always like the idea of flying :) After watching Peter Pan it really made me think of what it felt like to fly. (Peter Pan and his gang seems happy while they are flying)
So, what if you're given a broom by your godfather and it's a flying broom at that?
Firebolt's the cool thing to have as a gift :)
3. Be invisible - having cloaks that makes you invisible is way too cool! you can spy on your enemies that way :)
4. Turn back time - there are times that I wished that I could turn back time but it simply is too impossible :(
In the series they have magical object (time turner) that would make them go back in time. I so wish that we have that in the real world :) that would be a big help for me
5. Able to apparate - Of all thing that I'd like to have is the ability to apparate! That would be something. No more hassle to go from one place to another. That would be another way to avoid traffic!
I will surely miss HP :) But due to the ending of the movie, I am scourging through http://www.fanfiction.net/ again and find worthwhile good reads that fans made to make the story going :)
How about you? What's your review on the movie? I give it 5/5 ^_^ since it's the last one and I really, really like the series.
Anyway, what really fascinate me with the whole series was..with the idea of doing magic. :) I was a fan of Bewitched and growing up reading fairy tales would plant some sort of an idea that.."what ifs we could do that and that sort of things.
here are the things of what ifs that made the series more interesting for me :

It was known long ago that witches have some warts on their faces and have a hunching back.
With HP, there's no such things [and in Bewitched, Samantha is gorgeous! :) ] Hermione is so beautiful! :) (she's my fave character in the series!)
So, have you ever wonder of being a witch? :) It would be just simply splendid of being one and turn people you don't like in to toads! :)

So, what if you're given a broom by your godfather and it's a flying broom at that?
Firebolt's the cool thing to have as a gift :)

4. Turn back time - there are times that I wished that I could turn back time but it simply is too impossible :(
In the series they have magical object (time turner) that would make them go back in time. I so wish that we have that in the real world :) that would be a big help for me
5. Able to apparate - Of all thing that I'd like to have is the ability to apparate! That would be something. No more hassle to go from one place to another. That would be another way to avoid traffic!
I will surely miss HP :) But due to the ending of the movie, I am scourging through http://www.fanfiction.net/ again and find worthwhile good reads that fans made to make the story going :)
How about you? What's your review on the movie? I give it 5/5 ^_^ since it's the last one and I really, really like the series.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
rank demoted
Agh! My Page ranking got demoted!(back to PR 0) WAAAAHHHH! Been busy for the last 2 weeks so I wasn't able to post regularly as always and lacked the time to visit friends blogs :(
I'll strive again to gain my previous PR :(
I'll strive again to gain my previous PR :(
My condolence to the family of Gov. Salceda
My elder sister called me up this morning and asked me what our other sister was talking about. We found out that the mother of Gov. Joey Salceda, Cielo Adelina Salceda, 84 years old, died last night and the cause of death : she slipped on the floor because there's no electricity (there's a Brown out in the 3rd district of Albay because of Tropical Storm Juaning and she slipped outside of her house 'coz it's still muddy-- their town was flooded caused by the storm).
My condolence to the bereaved family of Governor Joey Salceda. Let us pray for the eternal and peaceful repose of her soul.
My condolence to the bereaved family of Governor Joey Salceda. Let us pray for the eternal and peaceful repose of her soul.
Aren't you curious?
Until now it boggles the mind on what kind of coffee do they served at PAGCOR to have coffee expenditures amounted to about P1 billion during the previous administration?
Is it Starbucks? or maybe they also send some coffee to our policemen? I think one of these days the previous admin would be summoned by the blue ribbon committee. and if that day comes I would watch it from the start to the finish.
As I previously posted, corruption on that department is not that surprising, with all that money pouring in, if you're really cunning and greedy, you would really lost your soul and just succumb in to be corrupt like your buddies at the top loft of the government. We all know that we have corrupt officials and on that we can't do anything 'coz they are the ones who had the power and position. What really really makes me mad is that..PAGCOR helps our citizens who can't afford to buy or seek health care for themselves or for a member of their family. There's a long line of people everyday at PAGCOR seeking help and my heart really goes out to those people.
Imagine, P1 Billion, that could help a lot of people! It could even pay for our debts at the world bank. There are really people who are so low. :( no wonder our country is poor and not progressing if we have corrupt officials in our government.
I hope that Juan should wise up in our next election and vote for the right people to make our country prosper again. ha! one could dream, right? :(
Anyway, what are your reaction's to P-Noy's SONA?
I was bored throughout his speech. Well, all speeches do makes me bored but every time he speaks why do I feel like it's as if he's like a contestant in "Bugtong ng Wika", or is it just me???
He really has a good command on Tagalog Language (which makes me bored throughout the process) but I find his speech lacking. He again lambasted the previous admin which we all know is corrupt (and the whole wang-wang theme on his speech really lost me there). What we want to hear from him are his plans/projects that are strategic enough to solved poverty and how our country should progress. In short, his speech lacks vision. :(
OK, he did say some nice things that are music to the ears -- "ikulong ang may sala" statement to the doers of tax evasion, smuggling, graft and corruption and extra-judial killings. That's nice! But he never said anything about jueteng which cannot live in a terrain where graft and corruption are absent, thus making his promise in the last Independence Day celebration in Kawit, Cavite, that of making our country graft-free, impossible to happen.
Again, we would wait to see the results of what P-Noy promised again this year and wait for his next SONA. To see is to believe after all :)
We are watching you P-Noy. :) you have 5 more years to keep what you promised to us.."Pagbabago" :)
Is it Starbucks? or maybe they also send some coffee to our policemen? I think one of these days the previous admin would be summoned by the blue ribbon committee. and if that day comes I would watch it from the start to the finish.
As I previously posted, corruption on that department is not that surprising, with all that money pouring in, if you're really cunning and greedy, you would really lost your soul and just succumb in to be corrupt like your buddies at the top loft of the government. We all know that we have corrupt officials and on that we can't do anything 'coz they are the ones who had the power and position. What really really makes me mad is that..PAGCOR helps our citizens who can't afford to buy or seek health care for themselves or for a member of their family. There's a long line of people everyday at PAGCOR seeking help and my heart really goes out to those people.
Imagine, P1 Billion, that could help a lot of people! It could even pay for our debts at the world bank. There are really people who are so low. :( no wonder our country is poor and not progressing if we have corrupt officials in our government.
I hope that Juan should wise up in our next election and vote for the right people to make our country prosper again. ha! one could dream, right? :(
Anyway, what are your reaction's to P-Noy's SONA?
I was bored throughout his speech. Well, all speeches do makes me bored but every time he speaks why do I feel like it's as if he's like a contestant in "Bugtong ng Wika", or is it just me???
He really has a good command on Tagalog Language (which makes me bored throughout the process) but I find his speech lacking. He again lambasted the previous admin which we all know is corrupt (and the whole wang-wang theme on his speech really lost me there). What we want to hear from him are his plans/projects that are strategic enough to solved poverty and how our country should progress. In short, his speech lacks vision. :(
OK, he did say some nice things that are music to the ears -- "ikulong ang may sala" statement to the doers of tax evasion, smuggling, graft and corruption and extra-judial killings. That's nice! But he never said anything about jueteng which cannot live in a terrain where graft and corruption are absent, thus making his promise in the last Independence Day celebration in Kawit, Cavite, that of making our country graft-free, impossible to happen.
Again, we would wait to see the results of what P-Noy promised again this year and wait for his next SONA. To see is to believe after all :)
We are watching you P-Noy. :) you have 5 more years to keep what you promised to us.."Pagbabago" :)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Yahoo! Long weekend holiday on Aug!
MANILA – Malacañang is set to declare August 30 a non-working holiday for the observance of Eid ul-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the Palace said Saturday.
August 30 falls on a Tuesday and August 29 (Monday) is the celebration of the National Heroes’ Day, also a non-working holiday.
Yay! ^_^
August 1, the start of the Ramadan, however, will not be declared a holiday, Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said over government-run dzRB radio.
August 30 falls on a Tuesday and August 29 (Monday) is the celebration of the National Heroes’ Day, also a non-working holiday.
Yay! ^_^
Hate new FB chat version
I am really starting to hate FB new chat app. Here's the reason's why:
1. tried to vid chat. But it ain't working
2. I am online most of the time on the FB chat and I can't seems to make it offline like I used to on the older version of it.
3. Since I am always online I can't hide my stat and while I am browsing ( checking messages, new stat's of friends, newly photo's uploaded by family members) someone would just popped in and chat with me which I don't have the time to chat and then my time would be on FB again for a long time.
Am I the only one who hates it? I really really hope they divert it back to the older version. If it ain't broken don't fix it. :(
1. tried to vid chat. But it ain't working
2. I am online most of the time on the FB chat and I can't seems to make it offline like I used to on the older version of it.
3. Since I am always online I can't hide my stat and while I am browsing ( checking messages, new stat's of friends, newly photo's uploaded by family members) someone would just popped in and chat with me which I don't have the time to chat and then my time would be on FB again for a long time.
Am I the only one who hates it? I really really hope they divert it back to the older version. If it ain't broken don't fix it. :(
did you feel the earth moved?
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck Luzon on Tuesday at 1:15 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Service (USGS).
The earthquake epicenter was 102 km West-Northwest of Metro Manila; 24 km Northwest of Olongapo City; 54 km West-Southwest of Angeles City in Pampanga; and 108 km West-Southwest of Cabanatuan City.
It struck at a depth of 61.3 km, and was felt in surrounding areas like Cainta and San Mateo towns in Rizal.
People have tweeted that the earthquake lasted for as little as 10 seconds to as long as 30 seconds, causing tall buildings to shake. — MRT, GMA News
The quaked caught me off guard because it was totally unexpected and I prayed that it would be over soon and hoped there won't be an aftermath after that. I did not went back to sleep after the earthquake and waited for an hour before I can sleep.
I know, I was being paranoid but after what happened in Japan, it made me really uneasy that we should always expect the unexpected. Maybe it's a wake up call for us that we should take care of the earth more. We're not being a good steward of tour homelands :(
Th earth is changing.. can't you feel it? The sudden change of the weather and can't you feel the scourging heat from the sun is getting hotter? And on top of that there are some "seers" claiming to predict the end of the world. The earth is deteriorating, and we have crazy people out there and all we care about is money.
I think the most important thing that we should care about is to be a good children to our Father, taking care of the earth and just be a true human being. :)
The earthquake epicenter was 102 km West-Northwest of Metro Manila; 24 km Northwest of Olongapo City; 54 km West-Southwest of Angeles City in Pampanga; and 108 km West-Southwest of Cabanatuan City.
It struck at a depth of 61.3 km, and was felt in surrounding areas like Cainta and San Mateo towns in Rizal.
People have tweeted that the earthquake lasted for as little as 10 seconds to as long as 30 seconds, causing tall buildings to shake. — MRT, GMA News
The quaked caught me off guard because it was totally unexpected and I prayed that it would be over soon and hoped there won't be an aftermath after that. I did not went back to sleep after the earthquake and waited for an hour before I can sleep.
I know, I was being paranoid but after what happened in Japan, it made me really uneasy that we should always expect the unexpected. Maybe it's a wake up call for us that we should take care of the earth more. We're not being a good steward of tour homelands :(
Th earth is changing.. can't you feel it? The sudden change of the weather and can't you feel the scourging heat from the sun is getting hotter? And on top of that there are some "seers" claiming to predict the end of the world. The earth is deteriorating, and we have crazy people out there and all we care about is money.
I think the most important thing that we should care about is to be a good children to our Father, taking care of the earth and just be a true human being. :)
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